To: MindBender26
Watch 'em all run to the center..."I'm the most moderate!" "No, I am!" "No, I am!!"
The whack job "base" will keep their mouths shut, after eight years of having their asses whipped by G.W.B, and the Republicans/conservatives will have a heck of a job getting the truth out.
Semper fi.
9 posted on
03/02/2005 2:15:57 AM PST by
(I'm so glad to no longer be associated with the Party of Dependence on Government!)
To: Recovering_Democrat
14 posted on
03/02/2005 4:28:09 AM PST by
(You'll spot their posts soon enough!)
To: Recovering_Democrat
The radical base can't help themselves and will not hold their tongues. Their choice for DNC Chairman is illustrative of the schism in the Dems, Hillary will move the farthest to the right, she will go against abortion on demand and she will go pro gun.
17 posted on
03/02/2005 5:08:05 AM PST by
(Strength and Honor, just call me Buzzkill for short......)
To: Recovering_Democrat
Watch 'em all run to the center...The whack job "base" will keep their mouths shut...
Agree with the former, disagree with the latter. The Far lefties will not keep quiet by a long shot, just spend a few excruciating hours on DU or dailykos. If the Dhimmicrat frontrunners move right the Watermelon party has their best chance of pulling a Perot. You may want to look around locally and find what alternative leftist parties you can support. If not with money at least with "awareness" efforts in Dem stronghold precincts.
22 posted on
03/02/2005 6:12:50 AM PST by
(What's the difference between the Super Bowl and the Grammy's? The Eagles have won a Grammy)
To: Recovering_Democrat
I don't think the wacko base like MoveOn will keep its mouth shut -- not until the nomination is assured. They can't help mouthing off.
24 posted on
03/02/2005 6:15:42 AM PST by
To: Recovering_Democrat; Badray; GeneralHavoc
66 posted on
03/02/2005 10:37:09 AM PST by
Conservative Goddess
(Veritas vos Liberabit, in Vino, Veritas....QED, Vino vos Liberabit)
To: Recovering_Democrat
Watch 'em all run to the center..."I'm the most moderate!" "No, I am!" "No, I am!!"I've argued for years that a great career awaits the first big-time dem who will break ranks on Social Security and help lead a bipartisan victory on reform. The door is wide open.
Are any of the current dems smart enough to walk through, or are they all paralyzed by interest group vetoes? So far, the latter, but if anyone has the wit and courage to break free ....
131 posted on
03/03/2005 3:20:44 AM PST by
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