To: MindBender26
Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh He could have given the GOP a run for their money until he voted against Condi Rice and Alberto Gonzalez... Now he is a loser just like the rest of them, I thought he was different... I WAS WRONG.
5 posted on
03/02/2005 1:21:36 AM PST by
Echo Talon
To: Echo Talon
Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh Nah........ he's a closet "progressive" socialist like the rest of the Presidential pack.
To: Echo Talon
" He could have given the GOP a run for their money until he voted against Condi Rice and Alberto Gonzalez..."
My exact thoughts on the exact same two issues. He was a perfect candidate until those votes. He was a fairly conservative Governor - the D's could have dressed him up as the next Bill Clinton.
He probably blew his chance to be President by being elected a Senator.
58 posted on
03/02/2005 9:10:14 AM PST by
(To worry is to misuse your imagination.)
To: Echo Talon
He could have given the GOP a run for their money until he voted against Condi Rice and Alberto Gonzalez... I would have voted against Gonzales too because he is not a conservative or even barely Republican.
85 posted on
03/02/2005 11:35:14 AM PST by
(Quinn's First Law -- Liberalism ALWAYS generates the exact opposite of its stated intent., I'll als)
To: Echo Talon
He could have given the GOP a run for their money until he voted against Condi Rice and Alberto Gonzalez... Now he is a loser just like the rest of them, I thought he was different... I WAS WRONG. I don't think he had much of a choice--he just won reelection overwhelmingly so he's not up for six very long years, and more importantly, if he's to have any chance at nabbing the nomination, he couldn't dare displease the party faithful by voting the other way.
To: Echo Talon
I knew he was bad as soon as he voted for the gun show ban. He later voted to ban the .30-30.
117 posted on
03/02/2005 6:00:29 PM PST by
Dan from Michigan
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