To: Chocolate Rose
"We are reviewing the judge's decision and are weighing our legal options,"Are there any legal options for the agency? Felos and Greer say there are none.
4,485 posted on
03/10/2005 2:58:06 PM PST by
Theodore R.
(Terri has already outlived Eleanor Centzone.)
To: Theodore R.
well, we don't listen to Felos and Greer....just a few days ago, Felos was upset because the DCF would not tell him what they would do so it looks to me like they can do something
To: Theodore R.
Are there any legal options for the agency? Felos and Greer say there are none. The DCF remove people and children from abusive situations. A judge is gonna tell them they can't? It's their job.
4,503 posted on
03/10/2005 3:13:50 PM PST by
(Life support. canned, frozen or fresh, it's good for you!)
To: Theodore R.; ruoflaw
duh!-seems to me they woulda shoulda known going into this what legal options are open and know what they would do if greer ruled against them.
4,506 posted on
03/10/2005 3:15:07 PM PST by
Chocolate Rose
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