> If MS doesn't have to abide by the guardianship requirements because the court has ruled she is PVS then why did he have 5 of her teeth pulled?
Valid point -- and one which I hope is on DCF's list of items to investigate -- or will be.
Yes.. this is covered in my complaint.
DCF needs to investigate this in their probe re: Terri Schiavo - AHCA coverup
Information, materials, etc. pertinent to crimes being perpetrated against Theresa Schindler Schiavo and pertinent to a current DCF investigation listed below:
Let your Congressman and Senator know and tell them to vote in favor of the Incapacitated Person's Legal Protection Act as well.
NOTE: Free faxing for entire Washington D.C. area:
http://www.tpc.int/sendfax.html (send a free fax from your web browser)
Format of number to input is:
(ex. Pres. U.S. [POTUS]) -> 1 202 456 2461
(ex. Ashcroft) -> 1 202 514 1009
Vice Pres. Dick Cheney 1 202 456 2710
U.S. Senators and Congressmembers, etc.