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Posted on 02/28/2005 7:08:08 AM PST by floriduh voter
Any word on the DCF ruling, yet?
The DCF lawyers were both women. Greer has exibited a real disdain for women in his court room.
Welcome back, FV ... thank the Lord for answered prayer ...
Fox News just came in with decision: Greer has denied the DCF request to extend. PRAYERS FOR TERRI .. DCF AND GOV. BUSH -- IT'S YOUR TURN!! DEAR LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYERS FOR THE PROTECTION OF YOUR SWEET DAUGHTER.
Good job on being able to reason with the reporter!
Good to see you, floriduh voter. Take care of yourself, take it easy and know you are in our prayers.
I'd rather that the DCF just take her out of that hell hole, rather than wait through more judicial reviews. End her torture.
SO sorry you were so sick!! Hope you're much better now.
They just announced on Fox that Greer denied DCF their 60 day stay.
Katie bar the door!
Nothing more than we expected, right? Greer made up his mind, damn evidence.
DCF has 2 choices, Appeal or protective custody.
They better take her into protective custody, because if it's Greer they have to appeal before...well, you know.
We expected this. Now "what is needed is faith." As I did last night, I say that the DCF must directly counter Greer, rather than wait for new state and federal laws.
Let's see what the Lord will do. :o)
Greer is so evil...
WHY CAN'T HE BE ARRESTED? Knew Greer would shut down. "DCF was trying to intervene to interfere with his separation of powers. Instead of helping Terri, MUST PROTECT HIS JUDGESHIP, THIS EVIL SICK TWISTED JUDGE who is killing an innocent woman. WHY IS HE GETTING AWAY WITH IT???? why? why? why?
I guess that tells us what we already suspected, Greer's nothing new here, shows what his intentions are and I hate that he nodded in agreement with Felos.
I would prefer protective custody too.
WElcome back to the land of the living!!
Hopefully Greer , Felos, and MS will face charges when DCF is done.
see my last post. greer says no to DCF. greer is not interested in any truth. He is only interested in killing Terri.
I just heard it on ABC radio news too.
All right DCF and Jeb - you know what you should do. Let's see what you will do.
(I wasn't supposed to be Freeping today. Couldn't stay away 48 hrs at a time like this...)
listen, you need to take care of yourself. It isn't over yet.
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