"For example, you know we wouldn't be seeing these eminent domain abuses currently in front of SCOTUS if the Libertarians had any significant representation. I certainly don't see the Republicans or Democrats doing anything for these people."
Right. And it is worth noting that the White House was set to file a brief supporting the right of the city to use eminent domain. This is like the brief the White House filed in the Michigan affirmative action cases that supported affirmative action in principle. WTF!? Nothing galls me more than when Republicans get behind leftist causes. Eminent domain is communism pure and simple, and then we find Republicans about to go along? Thankfully, the
White House came to its senses and did not file the brief. But the fact that they even considered it, let alone worked on it, is cause for disturbance. Right now, Reagan is spinning in his grave so fast, we could hook up electrodes and power New York for free.
I didn't know that. It's downright scary. Now we know Bush hasn't changed his ways, that the administration supports land grabs and abolishment of property rights, but they're just too chicken to say it outright.
Okay, that's it, give me Reagan back, even with his faults a better president than his three successors.