Greed IS good. What on earth are you doing in FR (instead of DU) if you have a problem with people getting rich?
"Greed IS good. What on earth are you doing in FR (instead of DU) if you have a problem with people getting rich?"
Ayn Rand notwithstanding, greed is NOT good. Self-interest is OK and understandable but greed is a sickness of the mind and soul. Rand's creed is I, I, I, I, I ... It doesn't work if everyone follows it.
I have no problem with people getting rich.
What the libertarians can't understand - at least until they grow up - is that man is a social being and to maximize individual liberty (licience) with no thought given to one's fellow man is to invite chaos which then can quickly turn into totalitarianism.
When you maximize individual liberty (right to porn, whores, drugs, movement across borders, etc.), the equation becomes: libertarianism = tyranny. That's how the world works.
And by the way, libertarians will NEVER take over the GOP. The best they can do is influence the party on the margins.