I personally think multi-culturalism and m-c courses are a waste of time, big time. Our son was homeschooled, leaves for Notre Dame in the fall. I will consider it a HUGE waste of money if he is required to take even one class, even one workshop on this subject. To me it is a boondoggle for the know-nothing professors who teach it. And, frankly, it is also leftist/ secular propaganda being crammed down the students' throats. Here's what I think you should teach -- WESTERN CIVILIZATION. Our history, what it is built on (Judeo-Christian values/ Magna Carta), Ancient Civilizations that led to Western Civ, the great literature of Western Civ, the great music of Western Civ, great thinkers of Western Civ. And then, for heaven's sake, teach your students how to think for themselves. None of this - 'You don't get an A unless you parrot the leftie Professor.' How can you go wrong? No need for junk food if you have a banquet. Which we have in Western Civ.
And this is from a prof who has integrated other culture's ideas a lot less into his whole life than I have.
By the way, I agree wholeheartedly with these posts, especially AmishDude before you. I just need to have someone agree with me, rather than those on the **** committees.