I won't respond to everything Morton wrote. But I will respond to the burrowings. If the stata deposited over eons as proposed by evolutionists, there would be much more burrowing than is seen. In fact burrowing creatures are so effective the strata might be hard to recognize. And I understand that there are more marine burrowing creatures than land burrowing creatures.
The scarcity of the burrowings is evidence that the strata was laid down quickly.
Woodmorappe is a psuedonym. He is supposedly a scientist who writes creationist psuedo-science under a fake name to protect himself from the humiliation of writing nonsense.
I am not a geologist, so really can't address this as a professional. But it is the multi-disciplined interlocking evidence verifying the fact of evolution that convinces all but the most stubborn adherents to nonsense that evolution is true.
Until your side can show scientific peer reviewed data refuting evolution, you have nothing.