It's important to notify the public about a new and possibly supervigorous strain of HIV so people can take extra precautions,
No it isn't. Just notify the homo communtity since they are the only ones who should care.
"No it isn't. Just notify the homo communtity since they are the only ones who should care."
Not trying to sound politically correct here, but remember this won't just be confined to homos cause it'll spread to the straights who like to engage in random annonymous sex via bisexuals who have sex with women. But the overall message remains clear: monogomous sex with your spouse is the best way to not get this. Most AIDS cases beyond the 80's (those blood transfusions) are completely self-inflicted.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
There are penty of bi and closeted gay men who could infect hetero women !
Not every gay man is out in the open wiht himself or others.
And it would be nice if everyone waited a couple of years until getting married to have sex, but the modern world doesnt work that way.
It's important for any woman who is sexually active and hasn't known her partner for years to get him tested.
If you have a daughter, sister or female friend who is single and dates make sure they know a new strain of aids may be popping up.