Look, if you can give me Scripture that authorizes the doctrine that we are not all saints, give it to me.
I have posted Scripture that anybody but a Catholic would conclude beyond a shadow of a doubt says we are ALL saints.
You say I am twisting scripture. This is a very serious charge, and I would like to see the evidence.
I do not have to provide any evidence -all evidence is posted by you -you ignore the totality of scripture and but focus on a few verses...
The path is narrow --It is my understanding that saints are rewarded eternal salvation. In essence you state that you and all believers are saints, all full of grace, devoid of sin and all go to heaven -can you really belief this? Did Christ say forget about the laws, don't worry about sin, just believe and voila?
Why even have a judgment? What is judgment for -a judgment of your activities and beliefs or just a judgment of beliefs with a free pass on activities? Does a persistent sinner who professes belief actually believe? Your interpretation is self-evidently flawed because it lacks sin and grace as true realities that either actually damage or build up...