"The student and his family are being offered counseling and support services."
If the boy was 18, there'd be no counseling, support services, crime or discipline against the teacher. I realize the law has to draw a line somewhere, but let's get real about this trauma issue. The boy was 17-not 12. And if he wanted to have sex with a 17 year old classmate, the school would likely have supplied the condom.
It's not about the age. Teachers are "in loco parentis"--ie, in the moral and legal authority of the parents. That makes a teacher having sex with a student closer to incest.
Parents trust the teacher not to cross boundaries for very good reasons. It's not "cute", or "funny" or "sexy". And boys also often have problems with these boundary violations. Two teenagers having sex is complicated enough, but teacher and student ...a big legal and moral NO-NO!
NOT in TEXAS. New law passed that made it illegal. 18, 19, 20, 21 years old while in grade school is against the law.