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To: 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub

First off you need to apologize for your post #491 in which you took what I said out of context and gave it your own perverted meaning because you could not deal with the reasoned contents of my original post. You seemed so upset when this was done to your post so I would think you would want to correct your mistake when you purposely did it to someone else.

Secondly quit ducking the issue and point out what Rush has done wrong. Just because he has not read this letter on his show does not make him the problem. And since you don't listen to his show you don't want other people to listen to Rush's show because he is a cino in your own words what difference does it make to you if Rush reads this letter?

Thirdly if Rush is not reaching enough people as you say then why do you insist on him reading the letter if your new media web site is reaching more people?

Fourth Rush has mentioned Kerry on Form 180 on his radio show. And since he did it before the election when it really counted like Mr. Bud Day then what is your problem with Rush? Here is part of two transcripts from Rush’s show:

Political Disaster Brews for Kerry

October 29, 2004

Listen to Rush…
(…play very some very revealing Kerry answers to Tom Brokaw)


RUSH: What happened to Kerry last night on the Nightly News, sticking with the explosive story as the centerpiece of his campaign by telling Brokaw it's not unfair to blame Bush for this. Now, keep in mind here: What Kerry did was accuse the president of not having a plan to secure the weapons. Today thanks to the Pentagon briefer and that Army major we found the president and the military did have a plan to secure the weapons. They not only had a plan, they executed a plan to secure weapons! They did it! They were competent. Brokaw's question, "This week you've been very critical of the president because of the missing explosives in Iraq. The fact is, senator, we still don't know what happened to those explosives. How many for sure that were there; who might have gotten away with them. Is unfair to the president just as you believe he's unfair to you, to blame him for that?"

KERRY: No. It's not unfair. Because what we do know from the commanders on the ground is that they went there as they marched to Baghdad. You can read stories today that they broke locks off of the doors, took photographs of materials in there -- there were materials -- and they left.

RUSH: Nooooooo, they didn't, senator. We have just learned today, senator, they didn't just take photographs of the materials in there and leave. They didn't leave, senator. Well, they left, but they took weapons and explosives with them when they left. That's why this is a political disaster brewing for Senator Kerry today, because a totally believable major in the United States Army, Austin Pearson, clearly explained how he went in, found stuff at this dump, and removed 250 tons of it. He just didn't "take pictures" of it. The next bite, Brokaw follows up with this, "But the flip side of that is if you had been president, Saddam Hussein would still be in power."

KERRY: Not necessarily at all.

BROKAW: Well, you have said you wouldn't go to war against him.

KERRY: That's not true, because under the inspection process Saddam Hussein was required to destroy those kinds of materials and weapons --

BROKAW: But he wasn't destroying.

KERRY: -- and we would. That's what you have inspectors for.

RUSH: Stop the tape, stop the tape. This is where Kerry is stepping in it all over the place. Congratulations, Tom Brokaw. Brokaw says, "But he wasn't destroying them," and Kerry says, "Well, that's what you have the inspectors for." The inspectors left! The inspectors didn't destroy anything; they tagged things! In fact the inspectors were ordered to destroy things, we're talking about all the way back to 1995, and the IAEA didn't do it. Inspectors ordered these very weapons that we're talking about, these explosives, were ordered destructed in NBC, and Mohammed ElBaradei and Hans Blix didn't think they were big enough and important enough because they didn't think they had any relation to WMD programs so they didn't destroy them. The inspectors ordered the IAEA; Kerry's most favored place in the world, the UN, didn't destroy them. And so this answer -- go back to the top of this. This whole answer is just, it's just a gold mine to illustrate John Kerry's incompetence. Again the question: "But the flip side of that is, is that if you had been president, Saddam Hussein would still be in power." Well, it's still cueing up but when it gets cued up I want to play this whole answer from the top because you will hear contradictions here in Kerry's first five or six sentences.

KERRY: Not necessarily at all.

BROKAW: Well, you have said you wouldn't go to war against him.

KERRY: That's not true. Because under the inspection process, Saddam Hussein was required to destroy those kinds of materials and weapons --

BROKAW: But he wasn't destroying them.

KERRY: But... and that's what you have inspectors for. And that's why I voted for the threat of force because he only does things when you have a legitimate threat of force. It's absolutely impossible and irresponsible to suggest that if I were president he wouldn't necessarily be gone. He might be gone, because if he hadn't complied we might have had to go to war and we might have gone to war. But if he did, I'll tell you this, Tom, we'd have gone to war with allies in a way that the American people weren't carrying the burden and the entire world understood why we were doing it.

RUSH: The entire world understood why we were doing it. The question is... The entire world, very small portion of the world, two of the three countries that you hold dear didn't agree with what we were doing, senator: France and Germany. You would have stopped this because of France and Germany. Your global test would have prevented you in going in there. You can sit here and use hindsight all day long and say, "Well, Saddam only reacted to the threat of force." You didn't want any threat of force back in 1990 with the first Gulf War. You voted against that threat -- not only the threat but the use of force back then, senator. It is very responsible to suggest that if you were president you wouldn't necessarily have gotten rid of Saddam Hussein because you've just said in this same bite you would have let the inspection process and sanctions play out, and you wouldn't have gone in there anyway because you'd have never gotten France and Germany to go with you because they were on the take. Saddam was paying them via the oil-for-food program to vote against us, Senator Kerry, your precious United Nations. One more bite. Brokaw says: "You know, somebody has analyzed the president's military aptitude tests and yours, examine they've concluded that President Bush has a higher IQ than you do, senator."

KERRY: That's great. More power. I don't know how they've done it because my record isn't out in the public, so... But I don't know where you're getting that from.

RUSH: Oh, really? Your record isn't public, senator? I thought you had made your military records all public. I thought they were all on your website, senator. Now you admit that your records aren't public? See, this bothers him. Brokaw says that military analysts have concluded Bush has a higher IQ than Kerry. So Kerry, he can't handle this. So he screws up by saying, "I don't know. My records haven't been released." Yeah, senator, and why not? Is it because there's a questionable passage there on your discharge, senator? Is that why you won't sign Form 180 to release all your records? Is there some question about your honorable discharge, senator? ( 1 | 2 ) Hmm?


Press Buried Kerry Facts

November 8, 2004

Listen to Rush…
(...list some of the vote-changing Kerry facts the partisan press simply didn't report)


I mentioned a minute ago, we went through some of the media myths that were passed off as media truths. I'm gonna go look at some things here via our friends at the, a great conservative blogger site out there, and the column here is called, "Reading Tea Leaves." It's by "Nathan Hale," and this is all about the things that the media knew about John Kerry, but weren't interested in -- and believe me, folks I left this out, the media got Bush a lot of votes. The media organized a lot of Republicans. The media contributed to this notion that this was not fair, that there was a bunch of cheating go on, and it steeled the resolve of people who didn't agree with them rather than persuade them. Another reason why I tell you you ought to be confident about where your country is right now. Here are a few stories the mainstream press couldn't have cared less about.

"John Kerry was quite possibly less than honorably discharged by the Navy. The facts surrounding this case have been documented by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and The New York Sun [ 1 | 2 ].... Kerry refused to sign the Standard Form 180 and at least 100 pages of his military record remain hidden from view." The question ask yourself is: "Can anyone seriously contemplate a Republican managing to run for office as a war hero without releasing such records?" Do you know what Dan Rather and Mary Mapes would have been spending their time on trying to find, and when they found it, do you think they would have just kept it a secret? If there was a rumor that Bush had been dishonorably discharged that's all we would have heard about. With John Kerry, there was no interest whatsoever in the mainstream press.

"John Kerry is a cancer survivor who refused to release his medical records," and Clinton didn't either. The press didn't care. "The fact that Kerry is a cancer survivor who did not release his records, after the death of Paul Tsongas during what might have been his presidency, is entirely germane to voters' consideration of him. If Rudy Giuliani runs for president in '08, and he doesn't release his medical records, do you think the press is going to let him get away with it? (pause) Doubt it. A third one: "John Kerry and Teresa Heinz released less financial information than any candidate in history. We all know about the 'failed Arkansas land deal' and the trauma that caused our country. What would have happened if...links between Teresa's fortune and radical Democrats and their 527s had been documented only after the election? We do not have enough proof to declare Ms. Heinz guilty of anything. But the appearance of impropriety certainly follows her around like a cloud...

"The simple fact is that no one knows how many of Kerry's 55 million voters would have voted for Bush or simply withheld their vote for Kerry had they had better information," about where she was spending her money and what her full tax burden was and how few and little taxes she was paying. The mainstream press did not report the stuff about her tax rate being an effective 12.8%. They were not interested in that story -- and, of course, they were never interested at all in what the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth had to say. So there are a number of things that were big news out there but that the media was not interested in. So they constructed a bunch of myths that were not true about Kerry, promulgated those, and ignored a bunch of things that were -- or at least were curious and had they been items of a Republican candidate, no money would have been spared digging to the bottom of it to find out what it was.


Once again I do not see the relevance of your bashing Rush as it relates to the contents of Mr. Bud Day's letter. On one hand you insist that Rush is meaningless and then other you want him to be your spokes person. Which is it?

517 posted on 02/13/2005 4:44:10 PM PST by Captain Beyond (The Hammer of the gods! (Just a cool line from a Led Zep song))
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To: Captain Beyond
Do me a favor, since you know I don't listen to Rush anymore.
(Since Nov 8th 2004)
Let me know when Rush calls for Hanoi Kerry to thrown out of the US Senate per the
U.S. Constitution Amendment 14 Sec 3

U.S. Constitution Amendment XIV

Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress,
or elector of President and Vice President,
or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States,
or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress,
or as an officer of the United States,
or as a member of any state legislature,
or as an executive or judicial officer of any state,
to support the Constitution of the United States,
shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same,
or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.
But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Violation of 18 US CODE 2381

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States,
levies war against them or adheres to their enemies,
giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere,
is guilty of treason and shall suffer death,
or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined
Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection
under this title but not less than $10,000;
and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Violation of 18 US CODE 953

Private correspondence with foreign governments
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States,
directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse
with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof,
with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government
or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes
or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply,
himself or his agent, to any foreign government or the agents
thereof for redress of any injury which he may have sustained
from such government or any of its agents or subjects.

Violation of UCMJ Section 904. ART. 104

Any person who--
(1) aids, or attempts to aid, the enemy with arms, ammunition, supplies, money, or other things; or
(2) without proper authority, knowingly harbors or [protects or gives intelligence to or
communicates or corresponds with or holds any intercourse with the enemy, either directly or indirectly;
shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial or military commission may direct.

(a) A person charged with absence without leave or missing movement in time of war,

or with any offense punishable by death,

may be tried at any time without limitation.

Congress.Org -- Write to Congress and State Legislators
Locate Legislators for your zip code, gives you links to YOUR local Legislators with phone, e-mail etc info.
518 posted on 02/13/2005 5:50:57 PM PST by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub (The US Senate only has 99 legal Senators, and 1 illegal one. U.S. Constitution Amendment 14 Sec 3)
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To: Captain Beyond

And also when Rush covers this story

It ran on Radio FR 0n 1/31/05

All programs are replayed for 24 hours and again on weekends so tune in when it’s convenient for YOU!

"...Mr. Webster has extensive military and civilian legal experience, and will be discussing the implications of Kerry's strange 1978 DD-214 discharge certificate that appears to represent an upgrade from an undisclosed less-than-honorable discharge...."

Here the REAL stories that MAIN Stream Right Wing Media refuse to carry!


519 posted on 02/13/2005 5:54:30 PM PST by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub (The US Senate only has 99 legal Senators, and 1 illegal one. U.S. Constitution Amendment 14 Sec 3)
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To: Captain Beyond

And this story

This was on FR also but not covered by Rush

You did go to right?

September 6, 2004 -- **BREAKING** In Yesterday's Lies: Steve Pitkin and the Winter Soldiers, Scott Swett tells the story of a former VVAW member and participant in the Winter Soldier Investigation who states that John Kerry and others pressured him to give false testimony about American atrocities in Vietnam.

After more than 33 years, Pitkin is the first Winter Soldier "witness" to file a legal affadavit regarding that event...

AFFIDAVIT OF STEVEN J. PITKIN combat veteran of the Vietnam War (Kerry pressured him to give false Winter Soldier testimony)

Pitkin Affidavit


Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Steven J. Pitkin, known, to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, who, after first being duly sworn by me, upon oath stated:

1. My name is Steven J. Pitkin. I am over the age of twenty-one years, and I am fully competent and able to make this affidavit. I am able to swear, as I do hereby swear, that all facts and statements contained in this affidavit are true and correct and within my personal knowledge.

2. I am a combat veteran of the Vietnam War, having served with the Ninth Division of the U.S. Army beginning 25 May 1969. A mortar explosion wounded me, my wounds gradually became infected, and I was treated in an Army hospital in Okinawa. I contracted hepatitis C from blood transfusions I received during that time. I left Vietnam on 28 August 1969 and was honorably discharged from the Army on 9 September 1970.

3. Medals received for my Army service include: Combat Infantry Badge, Army Commendation Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal, RVN Cross of Gallantry, Air Medal, Purple Heart.

4. During my service in Vietnam, I neither witnessed nor participated in any American war crimes or atrocities against civilians, nor was I ever aware of any such actions. I did witness the results of Vietcong atrocities against Vietnamese civilians, including the murder of tribal leaders.

5. Upon my return to the United States I encountered anti-war protestors who, at various times, threw feces, spit, and screamed obscenities.

6. I joined Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), at Catonsville Community College in Baltimore in 1970.

7. In January of 1971, I rode in a van with John Kerry, a national leader of the VVAW, and others from Washington D.C. to Detroit to attend the Winter Soldier Investigation, a conference intended to publicize alleged American war crimes in Vietnam. Having no knowledge of such war crimes, I did not intend to speak at the event.

8. During the Winter Soldier Investigation, John Kerry and other leaders of that event pressured me to testify about American war crimes, despite my repeated statements that I could not honestly do so. One event leader strongly implied that I would not be provided transportation back to my home in Baltimore, Maryland, if I failed to comply. Kerry and other leaders of the event instructed me to publicly state that I had witnessed incidents of rape, brutality, atrocities and racism, knowing that such statements would necessarily be untrue.

9. In April 1971, I attended a VVAW protest in Washington D.C. known as “Dewey Canyon III.” During this event I was present when protestors, including John Kerry, threw medals and ribbons over a fence outside the U.S. Capitol. I witnessed a man holding a bag of ribbons and medals and handing them out to other protestors. I saw that many of the ribbons and medals were not those that would be received by veterans of combat in Vietnam.

10. During the “Dewey Canyon III” protest, others and I confronted protestors who were wearing or carrying Vietcong flags.

11. After the “Dewey Canyon III” protest, I was no longer invited to meetings of the VVAW in Baltimore, and ended my association with the organization.

12. I joined the 5/20th Special Forces Group of the Maryland National Guard in 1974, was graduated from paratrooper “jump school” with honors in 1976, joined the Coast Guard in 1978 and served there until my retirement in May 1997.

(signed) Steven J. Pitkin

Further affiant saith not.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th Day of September, 2004.

Jonathan Feldman
Commission # DD235268
My commission expires July 28, 2007

Steve Pitkin Affadavit, August 31, 2004

Steve Pitkin DD-214

Steve Pitkin WSI testimony

Steve Pitkin WSI video clips -- February 1, 1971 (4:16, 1.6MB)

520 posted on 02/13/2005 5:58:24 PM PST by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub (The US Senate only has 99 legal Senators, and 1 illegal one. U.S. Constitution Amendment 14 Sec 3)
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