Co-evolution of ligand-receptor pairs in the vasopressin/oxytocin superfamily of bioactive peptides
Co-evolution of ligand-receptor pairs in the vasopressin/oxytocin superfamily of bioactive peptides
There's 3 in a row for you to try to click on in his list.
I certainly hope your science facts aren't based on such scanty trials. He had over 50 sites listed, you verified 4, and you tell me I should check my computer? Do you really think that is a good enough sampling to suggest that I was mistaken?
Why do you feel so compelled to evangelize on the subject of evolution?
The first link is about 25 down. I find your statement that the "first two you tried" were invalid to be statistically of low probability, and thus, according to creationist probability analyis, impossible.
Why didn't you provide him with the invalid links instead of repeatedly trying to convince everyone with your repeated posts that you were correct?
No. I checked the first three and four more for a total of seven of the first twenty.
Be honest. Here is the message which gives you a redirect to the search engine and then to the article. Note that the message indicates it may be the fault on their server.
Why are you so compelled to be blindly ignorant of the fact of evolution?