Your worldview is relevant because it causes you to handwave away the evidence presented to you.
Relatedness of life is an easy thing for even a Superstitious mind to manage--it's the insistence of "See? I'M RIGHT. IT ALL HAPPENED THIS WAY." Well, that's not acceptable and it is not scientific. You not only do not know how it happened, but you'll likely never know. You'll only see bits and pieces of that whole picture, some of which is illuminating, and some that is just a veil.
I read a good bit of lit in the pharm industry, in which I invest. Evo scientists would do well to learn to qualify their language with a little humility as the writers of new medicines do. Certainly, people who invent life-saving meds do not boast extravagantly of "Creating New Species" when they cannot and have not. Those pharm scientists also run the risk of killing people with their errors--they are accountable--they are not Voodoo Speculators. When you compare the cautious language of those who have to account for their assertions with real lives, you quickly see the difference between a Scientist and a fabricator of fairy tales.