Can't say I'm really all that interested in the opinions of a crowd that to this day insists Ronald Reagan was some kind of socialist.
And if you're wondering, don't: I'm not really interested in discussing whether the light from a lighthouse washing over the waves is a capitalistic endeavor that should be regulated by "market forces" because the service rendered is some kind of commodity. Or any of the other how many Adam Smith truisms can dance on the head of a Milton Friedman philosophical pin? debates that seem to tie you "Libertarians" into silly, endless knots for hours, days, weeks, months, years & decades on end.
BTW: Ayn Rand wasn't all that bright, IMHO.
I don't represent any party but myself, but I can see you're certainly part of one from which I will absent myself, even through the bright shine of thousands of lumens of your blazing hubris. What you know of conservatives, having rated Nixon as the third greatest Republican of the century, I would consider just as worthy of discussion as those great controversies like "how many Adam Smith truisms can dance on the head of a Milton Friedman philosophical pin," and that discussion would be every bit as brief.
Pardon my intrusion into the arrogant little universe that is you. I'll try not to bother your self-worship again.