1 posted on
02/01/2005 1:13:54 PM PST by
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To: NYer
But some soldier is pissed that his GI Joe set is missing.
To: NYer
3 posted on
02/01/2005 1:15:46 PM PST by
To: NYer
It appears that the Pentagon, CIA and NSA monitors the FR.
4 posted on
02/01/2005 1:16:02 PM PST by
To: NYer
5 posted on
02/01/2005 1:16:04 PM PST by
To: NYer
The sicko who posted that picture should be shot. I don't find it funny in the least.
6 posted on
02/01/2005 1:16:17 PM PST by
(Ronald Reagan is the TRUE "Father Of Our Country".)
To: NYer
This is great, the terrorists are using toy's, must be getting harder to kidnap people. This will make a fool out of all of them.
7 posted on
02/01/2005 1:17:07 PM PST by
To: NYer
The insurgents seem to have been watching the 'Team America' bootleg DVD one too many times..
To: NYer
To: NYer
Well gee if these iraqi fanatics wanted to play dolls why don't just ask.
10 posted on
02/01/2005 1:17:31 PM PST by
(Veni, Vidi, Vici)
To: NYer
Is anyone watching CSPAN2, the Senate on the Gonzales matter - Senator Kennedy is at it again.......tune in.
11 posted on
02/01/2005 1:17:43 PM PST by
(Bye-bye Teddy and Kerry.........)
To: Calpernia; cyncooper; Howlin; Texas Eagle; All
So Dan Rather is now running propoganda for the terrorists...
Sad, really sad.
To: NYer
Well, I've got a question... why sell those figurines on the overseas US Military bases? Why would a soldier want to play with toy soldiers?
14 posted on
02/01/2005 1:20:29 PM PST by
Nataku X
(Food for Thought: http://web2.airmail.net/scsr/)
To: NYer
Here's the real picture of the soldier taken hostage:
17 posted on
02/01/2005 1:22:22 PM PST by
(It's sad that the news media treats Michael Jackson better than our military.)
To: NYer
Yep, beat me to it. My AP Wire software sounded the alarm 20 minutes ago.
21 posted on
02/01/2005 1:23:42 PM PST by
(PEST/Suicide Hotline 1-800-BUSH-WON)
To: NYer
28 posted on
02/01/2005 1:32:34 PM PST by
To: NYer
CNN just had a snippet on about 30 minutes ago where Jesse Jackson has asked that the soldier be released.
Is this the same thing? Was Jesse duped?
29 posted on
02/01/2005 1:33:08 PM PST by
(Liberals! Beware the Perfect Rovian Storm [All Hail, Chimpus Khan!])
To: NYer
LOL!!! Took them long enough.
30 posted on
02/01/2005 1:33:30 PM PST by
(Click on my name for a long list of press contacts)
To: Dark Wing; Shermy; Dog Gone; a_Turk; TigerLikesRooster; AmericanInTokyo
Terrorists are holding GI Joe hostage. Will Barbie be next?
34 posted on
02/01/2005 1:38:13 PM PST by
To: NYer
Its TRUE!! Not one missing! There are two missing!!
38 posted on
02/01/2005 1:43:08 PM PST by
(NJ demorat exterminator)
To: NYer
Baghdad Zog aka John Zogby, the former political jokester, er, pollster, said, "That picture is of a real US Soldier, and it is Bush's, Cheney's, Rummy's and Haliburton's fault!"
39 posted on
02/01/2005 1:45:08 PM PST by
Grampa Dave
(The MSM has been a weapon of mass disinformation for the Rats for at least 4 decades.)
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