Why do the newsmedia always report as fact everything that is said by Michael Schiavo and his lawyer George Felos? Many of the things these people say are provably untrue, and yet the media keeps repeating their word as gospel.
Michael Schiavo claims that cameras would be an invasion of Terri's "privacy", but on a Larry King Live interview he seemed quite eager to describe her gynecological exams in indelicate detail.
Is it more likely that Michael Schiavo really is concerned about Terri's privacy, or is it more likely that he's afraid that if video of her was broadcast people would see she's not a vegetable?
If Michael really were certain his wife was in a permanent vegetative state, he should favor testing that would confirm that and bolster his case. Unless, of course, he thinks the testing might shows that she's aware and concious?
Finally, why does Michael not allow Terri's parents to make bona fide efforts to feed her by mouth? If, as he claims, doing so would risk causing her to choke, why should he object? He has openly stated that he wants her dead, and accidental choking would be a lot less painful than deliberate dehydration. The only reasonable explanation for his refusal is that something horrible might happen: Terri might be able to eat without a feeding tube. And if she could do that, he'd have no right to kill her.
Awww, come on, my post there was more scary than yours. :-)
Here's a good start .. ;=] :
Get as many people as you can to get as many people as they can to raise their voices up and take actions to save Terri. Call those officials. Protective custody for Terri Schiavo.. investigate the perpetrators trying to get away with murder. Be tenacious.
Terri Schiavo
Deposition of Dr. Walker, Manatee Hospital -- Originator of Bone Scan: Beating
Contact numbers of government officials: Please request that Governor Bush as Chief Law Enforcement Officer of Florida, head of Department of Children and Families and Agency For Healthcare Administration place Terri Schiavo into protective custody and to initiate
investigation against the perpetrators conspiring to make Terri dead: