well, thank you very much, MisterKnowItAll.
Ann Coulter does travel over the line sometimes. Don't get me wrong: I get a kick out of her columns and her books, and love to listen to her speak....most times.
She's pretty and smart (her taste in clothes could use a little help, but I guess you guys don't notice that).
We do notice her clothes. It's the type we want our wives to wear, but they never do. Wife has a full drawer of sexy lingerie, but only wears her flannel PJs. Such is life.
well, thank you very much, MisterKnowItAll.
I don't really know it all; that's just what my two teenage daughters call me.
On the other hand, one of my coworkers recently said, 'I know a great many things; I only ask questions because I like to hear other people talk.'