Hewy I'm not being evasive. I'm just answering your questions the way that I want to, instead of the way YOU want me to. I've stated where the answers are. If you want to know answers you will go there. If you don't you won't, period. I repeat - are you seeking the truth or do you just want to joust? Truth I have time for (and I realize that there are people who want the truth here, just as there are others that don't), jousting for jousting sake, I don't. When are you going to take the time to check out the sources that I have clearly pointed to and then comment on them? Your refusal to do so is very telling. The disrespectful TONE evident in your post 166 is also telling, but just to be a good sport I will indulge it. Please read
Ping...thought this may be of interest to you!