Everything is reducible to algorithmic information, so what are the measurable mathematical differences between something that is living and something that is dead? We have fuzzy heuristics for every day use, but what is the universal definition that I can use to measure anything?
The science of computer modeling is so new that there is trouble identifying the"known unknown" and the stuff we think we know-- but don't know.
There is a great deal of computer modeling work currently going on for molecules of both organic and inorganic chemistry. Because of the success of these models, this conversation would be greatly facilitated by some granular data which would establish what the differences are between the "shape", "force", "direction" and even "complexity" of these models.
From there one might go on to say something more general--but without the fuzziness-- about the difference between the living and the dead.
Sounds like a good plan to me, ckilmer! Thanks so very much!