To: andyandval
JETS - SUCK SUCK SUCK I'd like to see the Bus shave Randy Moss's head
45 posted on
01/15/2005 11:58:02 AM PST by
(The best minds are not in government...Ronald Reagan)
To: Gewittermädchen
Randy Moss plays for the Vikings... it's Santana Moss who plays on the Jets.
51 posted on
01/15/2005 12:03:31 PM PST by
(Rooting for a Jets-Vikings Superbowl!)
To: Gewittermädchen
JETS - SUCK SUCK SUCK I'd like to see the Bus shave Randy Moss's head
Mosshead doesn't play for the Jets.
75 posted on
01/15/2005 1:08:17 PM PST by
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