You truly are a sham if you think this country should emulate anything french. Just ask Moshe Journo what it's like for a Jew in France getting caught up in this political tsunami you seem so proud of.
How typical of the general corruption of the pro cheap labor caucus is that while they whine "racism, racism" they are never above a little ethnic bashing themselves.
I am confused which side of this tsunami you have in mind? Do you mean tsunami of mass Muslim immgration which leads to the attacks on French Jews? Or do you mean failed "tsunami" of Le Pen who tried to limit this Muslim invasion? Which of the two is bad for the French Jews?
I think that French Jews who are for the open borders and diversity should move to the Lebanon (French language is still being used there).
Bearing in mind that there IS a difference between Xenophobia and simply wanting the LAW to be enforced, I think that it is Xenophobic to oppose all immigration at all times.
Note that Japan, the reigning XenoChamp, is likely to disappear as a nation before 2150. Oh, well.
OTOH, PJB has made the point (back in 1992) that immigration policy MUST take into consideration the cultural aspects--that is, that the first consideration should be the culture of the immigrant(s).
PJB kinda likes the Judeao-Christian culture as a starting point. This makes a lot of sense to me, although it's likely to offend. Tough.
As to plans: go with Tancredo's. I still have no idea what GWB is attempting to do.