And hopefully Tom will tell him where he can stick his empty threat. ....just like he did the first time.
Go Tom
Tancredo has my admiration and respect. He also has my support. For too long he has been our only voice.
If he does get a nasti-gram, maybe we should ALL tell them where to stick it on this issue.
I do have to chuckle at the headline....
Old News....where has Reuters been?
Tom has more class in the tip of his little finger than all his detractors have collectively. This issue has got them running scared and they are too vain to admit it. The tables are turning and they see the handwriting on the wall. Ask those at "Eagle Forum" what they think about it and see how diverse the "Loyal Opposition" AKA Conservatives see the issue. Republi- cans cain't anymore and the pressure is building!
All power to Tancredo.