Answer my questions!
1) Can YOU match a color,without a sample on hand?
2) Can you taste something,I mean REALLY taste it,without that thing in your mouth or even in the room,just by thinking of it?
3) Can you smell something,just because you want to,without that smell being present?
Is there or is there not such a thing as ESP and if there is,then WHY do only some people have the ability?
And I didn't say we only use 10% of our brains,I said not ALL of it.
Only when I'm stoned.
What does that mean?
Man is born dichotomus and upon faith in Christ becomes trichotomous, body, soul, and spirit.
Some have gifts of the spirit in some areas that others do not.
The spiritual domain exists even if an unbeliever is dead to God in the spirit. So a number of spiritual things might happen which, if exposed to them, an unbeliever might associate with other things, such as ghosts, paranormal, ESP, etc.
I've found it interesting that when Christ walked on water and had Peter follow him, Peter began to sink and our Lord and Savior commented about the weakness of Peter's faith in association with the sinking into the water.
Funny thing about faith, only takes a little more faith than no faith to have a saving faith alone in Christ alone.
No I don't believe in ESP. If you do, please contact James Randi and take him up on his $1 million dollar challenge to prove it.
2) Can you taste something,I mean REALLY taste it,without that thing in your mouth or even in the room,just by thinking of it?
3) Can you smell something,just because you want to,without that smell being present?
I think that most women can do this. This isn't a real trick.
No. I cannot match a color even with the sample in hand. But I often intuit what's coming my way.
12323 years ago, when Werner Earhart first began est, they ended sessions with an exercise in esp, which had never been touched on in class. Each attendee was asked three questions we had no way of knowing the answer to by a person we'd never seen before, having to do with that person's life. I got all of my answers absolutely correct. So did my friend, a physician. Later we compared notes.
I got answers by seeing vivid colored cartoons each a joke or riddle, and I could push them around in the air with my hands until they came together like jigsaw puzzles, producing ansswers. Pretty complex process, but it's absolutely accurate for ME. The process was fast and fun, it was playful. My physician friend went through no folderal whatsoever. No color, no sound, no lights, no emotions, no nuttin'. He just KNEW.
Point being, we all have our particular way of apprehending information, of learning, of intuiting, of sensing. I have a sense of humor that's deadly accurate and a subtle sense of touch that sometimes allows me to "see" with my hands. Others hear voices, others do whatever they do to activate their guidance systems.