let's see; med school is usually four years and the first two and part of the third are usually basic science. so you think chiros get the same anatomy instruction as surgeons, and the same pharm instruction as bench researchers?? maybe they share a few course titles, like high school has English, which both the future dropouts and future PhDs take.
My chiropractor girlfriend is sitting next to me as I type. No, they don't study pharmacology because they don't practice that way. As far as anatomy goes, they take the same gross anatomy as MD's - cutting up every inch of a cadaver. Chiros' also take many more hours of neurology than do MD's, again because it fits their model of practice.
I assure you, it's a rigorous course of study, 4 years post graduate, plus clinical and internship work. This is not a massage school degree.
MD's philosophy of medicine requires different coursework than do chiropractors. Evaluate these methods based on their results, not the syllabus.
It is rare to find a MD who hasn't undergone 3 to 7 years of residency training. Therefore, nearly any MD you encounter has had, or is under the supervision of a physician with, 7 to 11 years of medical training.