>>>don't get mad. Read #227
With your know it all attitude and criticism of dead people, its hard not too.
You are slamming a woman who likely gave her life trying to warn her family as doing exactly the wrong thing. You probably think you mean well, but it sure doesn't come out that way. You are also slamming the family, who didnt have a clue what was coming until it was too late and criticizing their lack of "knowledge" and "quick thinking."
Their dead, youre a know it all, and if you dont think thats going to annoy people, you arent very good at being a know it all.
Not to mention which, Id suggest to you they need a bit more than a few feet under the breaking edge of the water. Many who were deeper than that were thrown.
"You are slamming a woman who likely gave her life trying to warn her family as doing exactly the wrong thing.
I wasn't slamming her. I might have done the same thing in her place and I am sympathetic towards the family. Wringing my hands over their fate doesn't really do any good however.
I guess it doesn't really matter if anyone who reads this thread knows what the right thing to do under the circumstances is. You certainly don't care. No one who reads this will ever have to deal with an emergency such as this so I guess I shouldn't have bothered.