you inspired me, just sent this:
Mr Egeland,
We, the people of the United States of America, live in a free representative republic. That means that we are free to think for ourselves, unlike those who live in, say, a socialist society. We are very wealthy as a nation and are also very generous precisely because of our freedom.
When you force someone to give money it is not charity, but coercion or robbery. In the United States of America our ancestors fought against taxation without representation; this means, Mr Egeland, that the likes of you can not force us to give you money. We will give, and we will give significantly, because we are a good people, not because you have ordered us to.
By the way, your comments about generosity are laughable in light of the Oil for Food Scandal. How many billions of dollars did the "generous" leaders of the United Nations siphon away from the needy people of Iraq? Kofi Annan can have his son reap a tremendous fortune at the expense of the Iraqi community, and the organization that fails to expel him, and fails to even cooperate in the investigation of his pilferings,
dares to criticize America's generosity? People in glass houses, most especially huge, vile, corrupt, glass houses in New York City should not throw stones.
And to top it off, call it a Republican smear!