Bingo! My daughter moved from Connecticut to St Louis in August. Within of 2 weeks of trying to get settled in a new home & starting her new job, she registered to vote. It was top priority with her. And I was here to remind her just in case. Apparently voting was not high on the professor's list of important things to take care. This is just appalling that he gets to be the lead in this newspaper article on voting irregularities. Why can't someone ever just write an article on IRRESPONSIBLE VOTERS!
Seems like he still lived in the same county. I was in the same situation about twenty years ago, so I just drove to my old precinct, and voted.
I guess the Professor was just to smart to do that.
Why does it seem that all voting "irregularities" take place in counties with Democratic administrations?
Long lines, found ballots after the count, "hanging chads", people at the wrong polling places, endless recounts, and the one I love best...determining the "intent" of the voter where no mark was made on the ballot.