"Marriage for a Spartan woman was an almost non-ceremonial event.
The woman was abducted in the night by her suitor, her head was shaved, and she was made to wear men's clothing and lye on a straw pallet in the dark.
From there on she would meet with her husband for almost entirely procreative reasons.
If she was formerly a girl, she became a woman through marriage. Any Spartan man could abduct a wife, which led to a system of polyandry (many husbands, one wife or vice versa) in Sparta.
When a child was born, the woman had little to do with it's upbringing, rather nurses handled the child's care (in addition, a female Spartan child was subject to the same tests of strength as a male child.)."
The Spartans
directed by David Portlock
The Spartans:
The World of the Warrior-Heroes of Ancient Greece,
from Utopia to Crisis and Collapse
by Paul Cartledge