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Aging Baby Boomers: Could older folks live aboard cruise ships?
Myrtle Beach Online ^
| 12/19/04
| John Pain
Posted on 12/20/2004 5:44:16 PM PST by qam1
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To: qam1
A few years ago, several articles were published in newspapers and magazines about a retired woman who lives on the QE2. She had one of the smaller cabins, always had fun, and loved her life on the ship with all that great service and things to do, not to mention trips ashore in interesting places. She'd stay on land to visit her children now and then, then back she'd go to sea. I think it cost her less than $50k per year. I love the idea!
posted on
12/20/2004 6:12:44 PM PST
(Opinions freely dispensed as advice)
To: CindyDawg
"A cruise line in international waters might be able to get around it." What happened to the old bag who was always complaining about the medical care?
Gee those sharks over there seem to have gotten a hold of something tasty ...
To: hinckley buzzard
The only thing a cruise ship could not provide, that they have now, is proximity to family
Were I of that age bracket I'd probably view the distance as a plus ;-)
posted on
12/20/2004 6:14:59 PM PST
(The constitution may be flawed but its a whole lot better than what we have now !)
To: StarFan; Dutchy; alisasny; BobFromNJ; BUNNY2003; Cacique; Clemenza; Coleus; cyborg; DKNY; ...
Interesting idea ping!
Please FReepmail me if you want on or off my miscellaneous ping list.
posted on
12/20/2004 6:17:57 PM PST
("Let the UN investigate itself." - Juan Williams (Fox News) 12/10/04)
To: qam1
Don't tell this to the nursing home industry.
posted on
12/20/2004 6:19:19 PM PST
To: festus
Not me. I want to be close to my family. I live in central Indiana. Despite military assignments, colleges, and corporate transfers, all of my siblings and their families, plus my children and grandchildren, are all living close. There is nothing better than having the entire family here on Christmas Eve.
I don't think I like this idea. It reminds me of those stories of lost ships which sail forever without reaching port.
To: cyborg
Nursing homes are probably 90 plus % medicaid/medicare funded. Few private pays. This is a different group and shouldn't affect them.
posted on
12/20/2004 6:23:20 PM PST
(Hey aclu... Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! :'~))
To: qam1
I like the idea and when the passengers die, simply dump their remains overboard with a wreath of green and it's all over. Think of it as a permanent floating buffet and a steady diet of buffets are sure to reduce the number of passengers fast. Send the Boomers first as a test.
To: All
A bunch of geezers traveling endlessly on a cruise ship- that was a Twilight Zone episode.
To: Gabz
posted on
12/20/2004 6:26:34 PM PST
(Changing culture is like moving a cemetary. You don't get much help from the residents.)
To: who_would_fardels_bear
What happened to the old bag who was always complaining about the medical care? What a nice, respectful way to be talking about our elderly. Though, they do need to be monitored about their driving skills.
posted on
12/20/2004 6:31:00 PM PST
To: qam1
If the entire leadership of the AARP would get on a permanent cruise to nowhere, I'd contribute money for the fare.
posted on
12/20/2004 6:38:19 PM PST
(Fasten your seat belts- it's going to be a BUMPY ride.)
Comment #33 Removed by Moderator
To: qam1
When my wife took an Alaska cruise some 15 years ago she ran into a woman whose kids had done just that for her. She spent all her time cruising, eating fine meals and being entertained onboard the ship. It can't be any more expensive than a "home." Sounds like a plan to me as long as the crew can handle the old folks without problems.
posted on
12/20/2004 6:45:28 PM PST
Bernard Marx
(Don't make the mistake of interpreting my Civility as Servility)
To: qam1
posted on
12/20/2004 6:48:48 PM PST
Mike Bates
(If you've been very, very good, Santa may give you. . . .)
To: Phantom Lord
we can just throw them overboard when are done I guess...
Why dont we just have them rent rooms at Motel 6? That is cheaper than a nursing home, for sure!
< bonk> Ouch! </bonk>
posted on
12/20/2004 6:50:46 PM PST
(Jesus: Born of the Jews, through the Jews, for the sins of the World!)
To: DeepInEnemyTerritory
Would Medicare/Medicaid be paying for this? Of course! You really didn't think the old people would do this if they had to pay for it themselves
posted on
12/20/2004 6:53:36 PM PST
(Anyone who was born in New Jersey should not be allowed to drive at night or on hills.)
To: Mike Bates
Even though I'm in complete disagreement with their political views, I think this is cute. I'm used to dealing with the ill aged and I like to see them active.
posted on
12/20/2004 6:54:54 PM PST
(Hey aclu... Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! :'~))
To: who_would_fardels_bear
Once the government got involved, The price of keeping the eldery in either a motel or cruise ship will rapidly increase.
posted on
12/20/2004 6:55:36 PM PST
(Anyone who was born in New Jersey should not be allowed to drive at night or on hills.)
To: CindyDawg
I'm used to dealing with the ill aged and I like to see them active.Well, they certainly qualify as ill, IMHO.
posted on
12/20/2004 6:59:46 PM PST
Mike Bates
(If you've been very, very good, Santa may give you. . . .)
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