Yeah but if he`s smoking pot chances are he`s probably doing coke as well now. He was a huge crack addict, just a complete psycho. I read a story on him where he got to a point where he would spend 24 hours a day smoking freebase, so much so that these coke crystals started forming underneath his skin, which is why his skin is all pitted now. He destroyed his liver from cocaine not from drinking, and if he`s smoking pot it wouldn`t suprise me in the least if he`s back on coke. What I`d like to know is how a guy like that is still alive. He has a liver transplant and he`s still overweight as ever and now he`s back smoking dope. Sometimes I really wonder if these guys are so rich they get livers on the side every so often, they just pay the right people and they get them from some third world country. Let`s not forget Mickey Mantle. The second they announced he needed a new liver, "miraculously" a liver was found for him like the same week even though people can wait over a year if not years for one, and then he died anyway from cancer that "suddenly appeared". That was very fishy that whole Mickey Mantle thing. If you have cancer your not suppose to get an organ transplant but he got one anyway.
I'm as skeptical as anyone regarding Crosby's relapse potential. His is a sad story.