Under my command it would go down in smoke! I'm debating whether to evacuate the building 1st. In order to work there you would have to be a Communist, wouldn't you?
It's rather ironic: The quasi liberal left, and Hillary Clinton, rant about the "far rightwing conspiracy." The "rightwing" defends American traditions and values; defends America's sovereignty. However, there is NO counterpunch (from the "right")declaring what is the REAL nefarious conspiracy engaged by leftist(neoMarxist)factions.
It is no coincidence that the U.S.'Communist and Socialist parties had very similar if not verbatim campaign (editorical)platforms, mantras and partylines as the Democrat party aired in this last 2004 presidential election.
BTW, I am over the fatigue of being bashed with the "facist" ad hominem by the disloyal opposition.
I am not one to retreat from leftist ad hominem assaults.
As to concerns about the ACLU, the ACLU has always been the vanguard for the neoMarxist conspiracy. Let it be so that you may know it.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
God Bless America
"Under my command it would go down in smoke! I'm debating whether to evacuate the building 1st. In order to work there you would have to be a Communist, wouldn't you?"
Probably, and being pro-socialist/communist is certainly a prerequisite for employment by the U.S. State Department.
The neoMarxist imperative is infiltration and permeation.