I don't defend Islam; I defend the right of people to be Muslim if they so choose. It is wrong to call for our government to suppress people's free conscience merely because of terrorists callimg themselves Muslim. It is right to attempt to covert Muslims to Christianity, as everyone should be so converted, but that must be done individually.
My fear of Islam is only that it spreads by the sword, and, once inside, criticism is punishable by death, and leaving Islam is punishable by death...
Gee...that isn't Christianity or Judism...
I don't have a problem with any faith that is accepting of others...but a problem arises when one wishes to absorb the others by threat of violence.
what is the definition of a philosophy or way of life that says: we tolerate no criticism...no analysis...no examination of our belief...that is blasphemy and punishable by death...
With that manner of thinking...what is the defense against the perpetuation of an eternal lie. How can anyone stop a lie (Islam, for example), if examination is blasphemy and punishable by death. What kind of truth is it that cannot withstand the light of day...