Use enough gun!
This is a really good move. A step in the right direction anyway.
I carried the 1911 .45 for all my boardings and was around just as the 9mm Beretta was coming online-- but I never carried one. The argument for the 17 round magazine never made any sense. What the CG needs is a one-shot stopper. Any combat is by definition going to be at very close quarters, and the bad guy needs to go down instantly.
Sure, the Beretta carried 17 rounds... but you need every single damn one of them. The .45 is a one-shot stopper.
This .40 is pretty good, better than a 9mm, and the Sig is a very high quality pistol. It's a decent choice though I might have preferred the P220 in .45 rather than the P229.
The addition of frangible and hollow point rounds is a very very good step. It's a safety thing. Improves the knockdown power of the bullet, while at the same time preventing overpenetration through the thin bulkheads that are commonly found on boats. These rounds will be more likely to stop in the first thing they hit whether it is a bulkhead or a bad guy.