Thanks for that excellent example of your inability to distinguish a fallacy from the burden of proof. It's easy to see why evolution is collapsing.
LOL! Is it?
Shifting the burden of proof is a fallacy.
Fallacy: Shifting the Burden of Proof
In easily verifiable claims, the person initiating the claim normally assumes the burden of proof. Not doing so, however, should probably not be considered a fallacy. The fallacy occurs whenever someone shifts the burden of proof to avoid the difficulty of substantiating a claim which would be very difficult to support.
If you propose a linguistic rule, or anything else under the Sun, the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate it. When you attempted to shift your burden onto me, you committed a very common fallacy.
If you're not convinced that you have, or that shifting the burden of proof is a well known fallacy, here are about 17,000 other sources.