In the case of the newly converted Khmer, are their unredeemed victims condemned to Hell forever while they go to Heaven. Scripture says yes, correct?
Another question is what happened to the millions who lived before the Gospels were preached. Did everybody go to Hell?
"Behold the Lamb of God who take away the sins of the world." Doesn't get much clearer than that, does it?
Does that mean everyone who died before 33 AD is in Heaven, but after 33 AD, the majority of human beings were destined to Hell?
To repeat: "Behold the Lamb of God who take away the sins of the world."
Seems pretty clear, which part are you having trouble with?
My thoughts again: People either believed or wouldn't believe in God, the creator, the father,whatever it is you choose to call Him. If they believed in God, they went to "Abraham's Bosom," a 'holding tank' for those believers. When Jesus died, rose and came back, didn't he go into hell and deliver those people who believed in God at that point? He gave them the keys to the Kingdom, as I recollect. Don't worry, God knows His own. Nobody will be in hell who shouldn't be there and nobody will be in heaven who shouldn't be there.