Every sin is the same to God.
Some things that we humans view as one sin (such as a murder) really require multiple sins. That's one reason the guy who kills his wife for insurance has done worse than I have when I eat a dessert on a full stomach...he had to get greed, pride and a whole host of other things involved, I just had to value chocolate over self discipline one time.
In addition, each harm done to a person by a sin constitutes another sin. So the murder has harm that ripples outward to an untold distance, but my chocolate cake...not so much.
So...murder is the same as gluttony...and not even close, at the same time.
That is not necessarily correct. All sins separate us from God equally, but some sins lose more rewards than others. Additionally, those who are in leadership or authority positions are held to a higher standard.
Well I might as well out myself now, no I'm not gay but there are members of my family who are.I do not consider them dangerous perverts,If they have an agenda I haven't heard of it.Two of them are devout Catholics who attend mass more in a week than I have in a month of Sundays.They don't condemn me for my indulgences in beer and cigarettes and I don't get into deep theological discussions about their sex life.Being that one of them is an X nun I'm a little out gunned scripturally so sin is sin and we'll just leave it at that.There are bigger fish to fry.