Neither were birth control pills. Griswold v Connecticutt 1965. A "family" has the retained right to control the size of their family through the use of birth control pills and the state cannot prohibit that action.
I think you are a woman. Would you not be rather upset if the state that you lived in passed a law saying you could not use birth control pills and that you had no constitutional right to those pills because birth control pills were not invented when the constitution was written?
I thought this was a "conservative" forum. Doesn't conservative imply to "conserve" something?
How about conserving the covenants of the Constitution.
If memory serves me right, the Air Force was originally the Army Air Corp, especially during WWII.
The Marines are part of the Navy.
Why don't free people have the retained right to choose for themselves whether to wear a seat belt or not?
They had horses and you would have attempted to tie the riders on. They in turn would have tarred and feathered you and sent you packin' on a rail.
All that proves is that the airforce and cars are unconstitutional.