To: neverdem
After MANY years of being cynical of the "end of oil" industry and global warming...the fact of US dependence on the middle east -- and countries run by scumbags, like Venezuela (even Russia, Mexico, and Canada) -- for oil has NOW made it clear to me that we must get to the point of being energy independent again.
As I see it, the most available -- and "patriotic" -- thing (to me) for the American people and the car makers to do is to accelerate a transition to hybrid cars/trucks/SUVs. I own a Lincoln Towncar and Navigator SUV.
For the first time in my life, I am seeing that the fact that I can afford the costs to run them is VERY secondary to US security. As I see it, it's now time a WWII type program at home in support of "the war effort".
Whatever the outcome of these attempts to change to other fuels (and I am VERY skeptical about hydrogen for at least the next 20-30 years) -- NOW is the time to begin to really extricate the US from NEEDING such big percentages of critical supplies from other countries.
It's fine to want them, but it's the huge DEPENDENCE that bothers me. Now that we are seeing the growth of Muslim extremism all over the world -- AND -- the Anti-Americanism threat from our "friends and neighbors" (including) Canada and Mexico. I don't want to have to have our soldiers -- someday - really have go to fight and die for oil.
I am not anti-globalism by any means....I'm all for opening al. However, I've come to the point of being dead set against the dependence other countries for ANY the critical basics we need.
(Not to mention, If we can be more self sufficient on energy, then that would help the balance of trade and the dollar.)
To: Jackson Brown
If you are really serious about energy independence we don't need hydrogen or nuclear. Hitler's scientists learned how to make gasoline from coal 60 years ago. It isn't exactly a new breakthrough. We could have all the gas we wanted somewhere around $2.50 a gallon, I would imagine. Which is probably why the Saudis don't want to see the price of their product go up too much more. The fact that this never, NEVER enters the discussion tells you how biased the authors of this rubbish are.
41 posted on
11/28/2004 4:43:53 AM PST by
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