So let me get this straight: we are facing sanctions because we have laws on our books designed to prevent companies in other countries from destroying our own industries through the practice of product "dumping". In other words, if Sony wants to drive all U.S. VCR makers out of business, they can undercut their prices by selling at a loss just long enough to eliminate the homegrown competition and then raise prices again (which they actually did). And a U.S. law to prevent this is "illegal"? What makes it "illegal"? Is this suposedly a violation of "international law" (whatever that is). And who the hell legislates international law anyways? I sure didn't vote for (or against) them? Or are we just seeing the WTO as it really is, a tool for subverting national sovereignty for corporate sovereignty?
If you voted for anyone in the "Two-Party Cartel" then you sure did vote for this. Virtually all of them are "bought & paid for" by the elites who instruct them at their designated time to carry the torch for globalism & rule against US sovereignty. If you think we will get conservatives in the Supreme Court just watch. Just watch how disappointed true conservatives will be in four years. The Bush reelection only staved off the eventual by some 10 years but it is coming because nobody seems to see it, understand it's devastation & willing to actively destroy it.
Shucks, try as they do, we the USA, still is the only remaining financial superpower, and has maintained this status through DECADES of insistence to abstain from giving up our "God" given rights as individuals.
How can something so wrong work out to be so right?
So what else is new? What did we expect entering all these world agreements? As far as I know, we still maintain a shred of sovereignty in this country. So what's with all this International Law "waste product"
stuff, anyway? Make the tariffs on their goods higher in retaliation, and eventually the entire world will be bankrupt.
We are not to return evil for evil, but I doubt the Good
Lord expects us to commit financial suicide.
All they want is to use the cheap labor overseas to be able to lower the prices long enough to run any homegrown US business OUT of business.
Screw 'em and start a trade war and let's see how long they last.