the link to the election commision of ukraine shows no turnout over 100%... some close to 92%+ like Lvov for Yuschenko and 92%+ of Donetsk for Yanukovich.
Yes Russians ethnic ones are a minority but Russian speaking Ukranians are a majority. Most of 'Ukranians' in south and east do not speak Ukranian. Most of them do not like the anihillation of the language they speak in the public sphere. They don't want to learn Ukranian or be forced to learn it. I wouldn't mind a peaceful... splitting of Ukrane in half with the western part being given Yuschenko as president, all the resources are in the east anyways and the south is the resourt area. West is barren.
Russians, ethnically, are the majority in Crimea, Lughansk and Kharkov (both built by the Tsars). Further, most of the people of eastern and southern Ukraine, the majority, are intermixed with Russians, since technically it was run away Russian serfs who formed the Cossaks of this area.