I just do not understand the hostility associated with the quest for treatment of cancer.....when that treatment includes cannabis. Morphine is OK...right? Legitimate treatment for a disease and abuse must be addressed separately. The fact remains that most drugs used to ease the suffering of a dying patient have the potential of abuse. Can't we separate abuse from legitimate treatment? Why does this raise such strong emotions?
The pothead druggie has no relationship to the patient regurgitating and writhing in pain.
Oh, this is so, so, silly! I don't understand the hostility towards people who don't want their children enticed into using mind altering drugs for fun and pleasure. These casual drug users are often times so angry and hostile. I do hope that they get the help that they need.....
As far as patients who need symptom relief, give them whateve they want. we already do not do enough to alleviate terminal patients' pain because of our moralistic attitude about drugs and fear "they will become addicted"( like they have time?).
Legalize drugs, all drugs.The WOD is a total fiasco, waste of tax payor money, contributes to organized crime and personal violent crime; puts people in jail that could be contributing members of society and we pay the price tag.
I, too , have worked in the substance abuse field and making alcohol or drugs illegal has never helped anyone into treatment when it comes to jailing them or putting them in prison. If someone commits a crime ( like driving while drunk) the legal aspects do have a possibility of getting someone into treatment. We now have almost no treatment for prisoners. We just warehouse them.
Neal Boortz had a great concept for driving a motorcycle without a helmet..make the person put up the money or complete insurance coverage so I don't have to pay for their treatment or disability.
We tried prohibition; didn't work. We legalize alchohol, cigarettes, pain meds..etc. I can't believe we still think making drugs illegal will work.