All italians are not leftists, like this wannabee sex kitten implies. They elected Belusconi, didn't they, you stupid slut (the author, not Grmpa Dave (at least to my knowledge)).
A daughter of some conservative friends spent a year in N. Italy. She had been there for a month when 9/11 happened.
She was treated with respect by the Italians in N Italy. She was never hassled, and most Italians when she and her friends were in a restaurant would not allow them to buy their dinners or wine. When customers or the restaurant owners found out that they were Americans, the Italians paid for it. Then they told she and her friends to tell Americans that Italians grieved for our losses on 9/11 and backed our president and America.
She will be married next year. She and her new husband will return to N. Italy to honeymoon and renew friendships she made while there.