Drawing a handgun and firing at a target that's more than 230 years away? Friend, a handgun's for close personal defense, and for fighting your way back to cover and your rifle!
But in general, I agree with the concept, and I've got an M-14 that I can open fire with at 300 yards! lol
Actually, your post made me remember something from my youth. I used to go out to the 300 yard range with my .44 magnum Redhawk, and I'd shoot at a manhole cover that was suspended from between two posts. IIRC, even with a 180gr jhp load, moving at around 1800fps, I still needed to hold more than 10 feet over the top of the target!
We have a long range shoot here every spring, at 150 yds with open sights. Some guys ring the gong 10 out of 12 shots.
500 yds can be done with a .38 Special, and 600 with a .357 - I've done it! And the guys who saw it were all running the big stuff - .475 & .500 Linebaughs, .480 Rugers, etc., and were tired of getting beat up all day long.