No. What I am saying is that any tax reform must also include government reform and restraint by statute. I can tell that you have never been audited, or been in the service, or worked for, or with, a government agency. If anyone has fantasies it's you. Government is not Disneyland.
Make up your mind. Is the government going to require (by statute) people to spend a minimum amount on taxes (your original assertion)? Or are you suggesting that some raving, jackbooted bureaucrat is going to bust down your door at 2 AM to make sure you've been paying your "fair share" without any statutory authority?
If it's the first case, then what's the point of restraining government by statute if they over-ride that statute with another one? If it's the latter case, then your just a paranoid lunatic.
Congrats on running your own business. People like you make the country great. But it doesn't make you an automatic expert, nor does it allow you to make wild and laughable claims be magically true.