Whatever. You've got me... this whole thing is dastardly ploy by the tri-lateral Buildeberger Illuminati to get rid of the system where everyone is compelled to file detailed financial reports on themselves and pay a percentage of their income to the government, just so that we can replace it with an amazing convoluted system to secretly track financial activity so that we can compel people to pay a certain percentage of their income to the government.
Have you considered the fact that your scenario (and this dire situation appears to be a result of your own imagination) will be resolved far more simply be just replacing the sales tax with a revived income tax? In other words, the worst possible case that you can contrive is that we end up back where we are?
In other words, the worst possible case that you can contrive is that we end up back where we are?Exactly. And how did we get where we are now. By not planning for government mission creep, or inertia as you put it.
Aren't you tax wizards smart enough to draft a tax bill that prepares for the worst and hopes for the best?