That will end much of the problem. It's the freebies that many of the immigrants are after --- without food stamps, free health care, free education, housing subsidies, WIC, and all the many other handouts --- not so many would bring large extended families that they would have to support by accepting $4-$5 an hour -no benefits kinds of jobs. It's the welfare and other government handouts that makes this country so appealing to the majority of them.
I agree, FITZ. If we would stop dangling the carrot, it would solve a good chunk of the problem, as many of them would go home. As long as they think they can collect every social service imaginable, housing, medical care, etc. etc., the invasion will continue.
In addition to denial of services, add to that a NST (or whatever they're calling it this week), and the flood would turn to a trickle.