They are few and far between tho. Means of artificial birth control either place barriers between people and interfere with the unitative nature of the conjugal act or they act as abortifacients and are actually nothing more than a chemical abortion. I see you are Episcopalian, perhaps you could learn from John Paul II's Theology of the Body.
BTW, if I recall correctly the Episcopalian church was the first major denomination to come out in favor of artificial birth control in the 1930s.
And your point would be???? BTW, I don't agree with much that the Episcopal Church has to say these days.
I did my Roman studies in divinity school, thanks very much, and obviously didn't convert. I am afraid I'm pretty Protestant, TYVM.
More to the point, perhaps 80% of your cohorts should read JPII's writing, since they're all busy practicing birth control. The Irish have it down to an art form.