Nonsense, you are falling for the debunked propoganda of the pro-aborts
* The overwhelming majority of all abortions, (95%), are done as a means of birth control.
U.S. Abortion Statistics, U.S. State abortion statistics, by Race, by Age, Worldwide abortion statistics, teen abortion statistics
* Only 1% are performed because of rape or incest;
* 1% because of fetal abnormalities;
* 3% due to the mother's health problems.
Source: Central Illinois Right To Life
Reasons Women Choose Abortion (U.S.)
* Wants to postpone childbearing: 25.5%
* Wants no (more) children: 7.9%
* Cannot afford a baby: 21.3%
* Having a child will disrupt education or job: 10.8%
* Has relationship problem or partner does not want pregnancy: 14.1%
* Too young; parent(s) or other(s) object to pregnancy: 12.2%
* Risk to maternal health: 2.8%
* Risk to fetal health: 3.3%
* Other: 2.1%
Source:Bankole, Akinrinola; Singh, Susheela; Haas, Taylor. Reasons Why Women Have Induced Abortions: Evidence from 27 Countries.
International Family Planning Perspectives, 1998, 24(3):117–127 & 152
As reported by:The Alan Guttmacher Institute Online:
Abortion is very rarely a "sad mistake" but is rather an evil and pre-meditated choice based on self-centeredness. If there were severe consequences for that choice, as there are for the commission of any serious crime, there were be even fewer "sad mistakes". The problem is we present murder as the ideal option for your 15 and 16 year olds and we don't teach them the value of chastity. We are a sex obsessed, depraved culture of death.
Great statistics.